Lithuanian Civil Committee
The Lithuanian Citizens' Committee is an independent organization, voluntary public association and expert community created with the aim of consolidating the efforts of active and concerned citizens of Lithuania. This public association is aimed at fully revealing the potential for sustainable, socio-economic and geopolitical development of the country, as well as the capabilities of national security and defense, the formation of civil society represented by Lithuanian citizens with a certain civic position in the social, economic and political life of the state and local government.
Tasks of the Lithuanian Citizens' Committee:
Development of Lithuania's intellect and creativity
Promote the implementation of specific scientific, informational, educational, cultural and sports projects that serve the purposes of strengthening the intellectual and creative potential of Lithuanian citizens, reviving the spirituality and health of the nation.
Consolidation of NGOs for Interaction with Parties
Promote the consolidation of non-profit organizations, public business, veterans, human rights, environmental and other associations, creative, youth, cultural and educational, scientific, educational, professional and other associations at the federal level and in the regions for interaction and consistent work with political parties that are according to the harmfulness and logic of the world's practical, simple and output by the institution of civil society, the target tasks in the power of the interests of individual citizens and their public associations.
Organization of actions and agreements between parties
Participate in the organization and conduct of national and interregional campaigns, civil actions, seek the inclusion of specific provisions in the programs of political parties and their candidates, as well as the conclusion of public agreements between political parties and public organizations. , civil unions, business and professional associations.
Civil control over the work of government agencies in Lithuania
Cooperate with the efforts of public and non-profit organizations to implement independent and competent civil control over the work of government bodies in cooperation with the Seimas of Lithuania.
National Foundation “Positive Lithuania”: Development of Civil Society
Support the activities of the National Foundation “Positive Lithuania”, as an important legislative mechanism for the development of civil society, designed to exercise public control over the formation of the image of Lithuania.
Supporting initiatives and protecting the constitutional rights of citizens
Contribute to the implementation of political, business, social, cultural, intellectual and other initiatives of citizens and their associations, ensuring and protecting their constitutional rights and freedoms.
Support for civic actions and events in Lithuania
To take an active part in the work and provide full support in the preparation and conduct of specific events and civil actions of the Government of Lithuania, including public holidays and events dedicated to Victory Day and days of military glory and other socially significant civil events, festivals, creative sports events held in Vilnius.
Supporting veterans and improving legislation
Provide material, social, spiritual and moral support to war veterans, wounded military personnel and families of fallen soldiers, law enforcement and intelligence officers, participants in counter-terrorism operations and combat operations related to the defense of the territorial integrity of the country and the protection of its borders.
Strengthening international cultural relations
Improvement of laws and legal examination of acts, international agreements, legal documents.
Sociological studies of social development in Lithuania
Communications with the CIS countries, European and American countries and Australia on issues of strengthening cultural and social ties and holding public events in these countries;
Development and implementation of public projects
Conduct sociological research on current issues of social development in Lithuania, publish their results in their own and federal media.
Recipients of Lithuanian civil awards
Assist in the development, examination and implementation of various kinds of socio-political, socio-cultural, charitable and other projects and programs.
Awards for Strengthening Civil Society in Lithuania
To form the Institute of Knights of Civil Awards of the Civil Committee of Lithuania.
Regulation of Public Awards in Lithuania
Form a line of high public awards in Lithuania, awarded to citizens for activities that contribute to the formation of civil society and the strengthening of Lithuanian statehood, the development of the national economy, science and culture, and the establishment of high moral values ​​of serving the Motherland.
Support for Cavaliers of Civil Awards in Lithuania
Bring public awards established by the National Foundation “Positive Lithuania”, the Independent Organization “Civic Committee of Lithuania” and the Lithuanian Political Club into conformity with state norms and regulations, as well as carry out the necessary work to register them federally with the Heraldic Council under the President of Lithuania or other similar government agency.
Supporting and Engaging Lithuania’s High Civil Award Recipients
Provide organizational, informational and financial support to Recipients of high civil awards from the relevant regions of Lithuania, and involve them in active participation in the work of the Civic Committee of Lithuania and the National Foundation “Positive Lithuania”.
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